Sunday, August 23, 2015

Bank Statement loan programs for Engineering Services businesses.

When opening an engineering services business, you must first choose what type of engineering specialty your business will be.  

There are many choices from electrical, construction, building and more to choose from.

Once you determine your specialty you will need to determine the size of your business so you will know how to plan what your next steps will be. 

The 1st thing you will need to do once you find your specialty and niche is to find out what separates you from your competition.  Many companies pride themselves on good service others on pricing.  Once you find out this info you can then begin to market your business to the public. 

It is wise to begin marketing your services online including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.  You may want to hire a marketing expert who can help you with your website because every business today needs a good website.

The cost of marketing your business can become expensive.  You may want to start out small and let word of mouth advertising guide your book of business.  As you gain more customers hopefully they will begin to tell others about your services. 

Many engineering service business owners state that the main pitfall of owning this type of business is collections and cash flow.  Another pitfall is dealing with creditors and obtaining loans. 

As an engineering service business you will want to find a cash flow loan source that does not give you a lot of hassle. 

If you need additional cash flow and have at least 4 months in business and 3 months of verifiable revenue contact us.

Small Business Loans Depot offers bank statement loan programs that gives your engineering services business the ability to increase your cash flow to help your business expand and achieve the goals you need to help your business grow. 

For details call Ed Rogers at Small Business Loans Depot, 919-771-4177.

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